Proposals have been shared by City of York Council for a draft Community Infrastructure Levy (the ‘levy’ or CIL), which will result in significant investment in local communities where developments are built.
The levy is a charge which can be raised by local authorities on new development in their area and is an important tool enabling councils to support key infrastructure delivery in local communities.
The introduction of the CIL would allow the council greater flexibility than existing (S106) agreements to choose the infrastructure that is to be funded to deliver the Local Plan.
CIL also provides developers with greater certainty, as it is non-negotiable so development costs can be more readily calculated than previously, as S106 agreements are open to negotiation.
Following work to understand the viability of potential charges, the council is proposing charges which support delivery and mitigate impacts of new developments set out in the emerging Local Plan. This will be subject to consultation and independent examination.
Once the CIL charging schedule takes effect schemes which the money can be spent on includes transport infrastructure, flood defences, schools, hospitals, and other health and social care facilities, open spaces, cultural and sports facilities, district heating schemes and other community safety facilities to the benefit of local communities.
Councillor Nigel Ayre, Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects, commented:
“With the Local Plan now entering its final stage, it’s crucial we create the right approach to delivering the homes and business space set out in the plan. The Community Infrastructure Levy will enable us to deliver the right infrastructure for the local community alongside the new homes that York needs to support our city growing in a sustainable way.”
If approved by Executive on 26 January, the CIL schedule will be consulted on in the coming weeks. More details on this will follow.
Following a successful examination, the charging schedule would be brought back to Executive to request approval to adopt.
For more information, or to read the Executive report visit here
To watch the meeting live, or play back again visit here