Three North Yorkshire councils are urging residents to apply for a grant from the North Yorkshire Home Efficiency Fund to improve the warmth of their home.
There is a range of fully funded energy efficiency measures available to qualifying households in the Hambleton District Council, Ryedale District Council and Scarborough Borough Council areas - including insulation, air source heat pumps and solar panels. Householders taking part in the scheme receive an average of £10,000 of work to improve the energy efficiency of their property.
The scheme is fully funded for homeowners, and private renting tenants can expect free upgrades, however landlords must contribute a minimum of one third of the total costs.
To qualify, residents must have a household income of £30,000 or less, or receive means tested benefits. Properties must also be suitable for the measures available and have a low energy efficiency rating.
The authorities are working with energy efficiency experts YES Energy Solutions to qualify residents with the home improvements funded by the scheme installed up until March next year.
Residents interested in the scheme should contact YES Energy Solutions’ energy advisors on 01422 880 100.
Figures released today show that 2024 was the busiest year for York’s Park and Ride since 2017, with the total number of journeys exceeding 4.5 million, almost one million higher than in 2023.
Council and police officers visited a business in Clifton, York last week, where nearly £5,000 of noncompliant vapes and illicit tobacco was found and seized.
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Two urgent improvement works are due to begin on Lendal. To ensure the safety of public and workers on site, Lendal will have daily and temporary closures to vehicles as follows: