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Local Plan Modifications consultation starts this month

A consultation on the final modifications of the Local Plan will take place between February and March, before the final plan is then submitted to the inspectorate for approval in the coming months.

The 6-week consultation will outline the minor modifications requested by the inspector - to allow it to be adopted.

The modifications consultation runs from 13 February until 27 March 2023.  It will enable people to have their say on whether the proposed modifications and/or evidence make the Local Plan ‘Legally Compliant’ and ‘Sound’. 

All consultation documents are available on the council’s website, including an online survey, at: http://www.york.gov.uk/consultations  

Documents are also available to view electronically via the city’s libraries and Explore Centres. Printed copies of the consultation documents will be available to view at the council’s Customer Service Centre in West Offices.   

Alternative format response forms are available by contacting the Strategic Planning Policy Team at localplan@york.gov.uk or 01904 552255.

The modifications consultation follows a series of hearing sessions, which took place between December 2019 and September 2022.

Since then, the council has worked with the Inspectors to prepare a Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the plan. 

The council is writing to everyone who has responded to previous consultations to inform the preparation of the Local Plan since 2013. The council has a statutory duty, as per the planning regulations to write to the same respondents to inform them of the proposed modifications to the plan and how they may respond.

At this stage in the examination process, the consultation only relates to the proposed main modifications and any policies map changes (and not other aspects of the plan).

Once adopted, York’s Local Plan will:

  • For the first time, create and protect a permanent green belt
  • support the creation of 18,000 homes, including over 4,000 new affordable homes
  • support new transport infrastructure investment
  • create up to six new schools
  • provide more opportunities for employment sites
  • support the expansion of the University of York
  • invest in brownfield sites
  • provide the policies needed to reflect climate change ambition

Cllr Nigel Ayre, Executive Member for Finance and Performance with responsibly for the Local Plan, said:

“After years of work, we have reached the last significant step before we can adopt a Local Plan for the first time in 60 years. This is a robust and sound plan, which will ensure York is able to deliver the housing, jobs, growth and facilities our city needs, whilst also protecting the city’s unique character, green belt and natural beauty.

“I’d like to thank the inspectors for their work and feedback as well as all planning experts, officers and residents who have invested their time in developing and progressing the plan to this final stage. We will continue to work constructively with the inspectors and get this plan adopted for the benefit of our city’s future.”

The Local Plan sets strategic priorities for the whole city and forms the basis for planning decisions.

Following the modifications consultation, the final plans will be submitted to inspectors for approval and ultimately adopted by the city.

For more information visit www.york.gov.uk/LocalPlan  

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