Pets can inadvertently cause fires and are especially vulnerable when a fire breaks out so we’re launching a campaign which will run throughout March and April to help keep your pets safe.
Watch Manager Craig Lyons said: “Fires can pose a serious threat to our pets and they sometimes inadvertently cause them too. We know pets are beloved members of the family, so we’ve put together some safety tips to help keep them, and you, safe.”
Our top safety tips are below:
- Make sure dogs are always wearing collars when left alone and that their leads are easily found near the front door. This way, whoever is the first on the scene of a fire will be able to lead your pets quickly and easily to safety
- Don’t leave electrical items charging where pets are being left unattended and don’t leave appliances like washing machines or tumble dryers running overnight or when you go out.
- Make sure candles and open fires/stoves are out before you leave the house or go to bed.
- Consider installing monitored smart smoke alarms in your home so that somebody will be alerted if a fire does break out and nobody is at home.
- Keep entrances clear of any clutter, so and you and your pets can escape quickly and safely in case of a fire.
- Be aware of where your pets tend to nap or hide so that you know where to look if you need to find them quickly
- Pet proof your home by looking for potential fire hazards through the eyes of a pet. Loose wires, stove tops and piles of flammable objects near items that heat up are all have the potential to cause a fire.
- Complete a free online home fire safety check which will help you spot fire risks in your home and offer tips and advice on how to reduce them https://www.safelincs.co.uk/hfsc/Pets. Depending on your answers we may ask if we can come to your property and complete a free home fire safety visit.
Find out more on our website www.northyorksfire.gov.uk/your-safety/safety-campaigns/pet-safety-campaign/