A return visit by Don Pears & Singphonia presenting The Development of American Music and Selby Abbey Living History Day this Saturday
Selby Abbey Living History Day
Saturday 9th September 2023
10am – 3pm
Fun activities for all the family to find
out what life was like in Selby Abbey throughout the ages.
Activities include:
Local History Groups
Members from English Civil War Society groups
Selby U3A groups - ‘Guided by Swans’ video, artwork and stalls
North Yorkshire County Archives
Tours of the Abbey Tower (Fully Booked)
Weaving and Spinning
Guided tours of Abbey 11.00am and 2.00pm - Free entry
Saturday 9th September at 7.30pm
A return visit by Don Pears & Singphonia presenting The Development of American Music (Part 1)
The show includes all the song and musical genres that influenced American stage & film musicals with some favourite hits from Spirituals & Songs from the US Civil War to popular songs from the 50s & 60s, from Cole Porter to Rogers & Hammerstein.
Singphonia regularly raise funds for Rowntree’s Theatre and local churches in the area. All proceeds from this concert are to be donated to Selby Abbey.
Tickets available from Selby Abbey Gift Shop
Adults £13.00 Under 18s £10.00