Ninety-six per cent of families of primary age children in North Yorkshire have secured their first choice of school.
Of all the families in the county who requested a primary school place for their child from September 2022, just under 99 per cent (98.97 per cent) received an offer from one of their top three preferences for a school.
The total size of the cohort starting primary school in September 2023 is 5,334 pupils.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for education, learning and skills, Cllr Annabel Wilkinson, said: “I’m delighted to see so many children getting their first choice of school.
“It is always our intention to support as many parents as possible with their preferences, and yet again this year, the overwhelming majority of North Yorkshire families have been successful in gaining admission to the school of their choice.
“We wish all children who start primary school in September all the very best and hope they enjoy a happy and exciting start in their new schools.”
Families can find out more information about the admissions process here: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/education-and-learning/school-admissions