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Christmas Fair, Carols and Brass Band at Selby Abbey Saturday 3rd December

Christmas Fair, Carols and Brass Band at Selby Abbey Saturday 3rd December

All roads lead to Selby Abbey on Saturday 3rd December. The ancient Norman pillars of the Abbey will form the backdrop for the traditional indoor Christmas Fair which takes place from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Attractions will include craft, card and cake stalls, tombola and raffle, warming refreshments and Santa Claus will pay a special visit, greeting young and old from 11.00am to 3.00pm. Admission is free.

The Abbey hosts a Charity Carol Concert in the evening on behalf of The Chairman of Selby District Council, Cllr. Ian Chilvers. Community carol singing will be accompanied by The Yorkshire Volunteers Band and Corps of Drums. The concert starts at 7.30pm and tickets are £10, available on the door. Proceeds will be for cancer research and childrens’  long covid charities.

Selby town’s own traditional Christmas  Market will take place in the Market Place outside the Abbey during the day with the big switch on of the Christmas tree lights at 4.00pm

For more information about events at Selby Abbey visit our website  www.selbyabbey.org.ukor telephone 01757 703123

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