City of York Council is joining partners across the city to support international White Ribbon Day tomorrow (Friday 25 November).
The awareness day aims to highlight work towards ending violence against women and girls. This year’s campaign highlights how men and boys can nurture to help create a world of equality and safety for women.
The day coincides with the international 16 days of action campaign, further raising awareness of the issue of violence against women and girls, including Domestic Abuse, as well as signposting to support organisations.
City of York Council was accredited White Ribbon status in 2021 for its commitment to addressing violence towards women and girls, which has included working with partners, such as North Yorkshire Police, IDAS and York Hospital, to raise awareness of domestic abuse across these partner organisations.
Examples of ongoing work include commissioning a training programme for professionals in York, to enable them to identify and support victims of domestic abuse; and carrying out a city wide assessment to ensure that the right level of safe accommodation and support is available to women and children experiencing or fleeing domestic abuse.
The White Ribbon campaign also promotes support from men in prevention activities, promoting them to become active bystanders, whilst increasing awareness of reducing any form of violence against women and children.
Cllr Carol Runciman, the council’s Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said: “Violence against another individual, regardless of their sex, is absolutely unacceptable. It is incredibly sad but unfortunately true that violence against women and children still takes place in our society and in our city.
“As a White Ribbon accredited Council, together with partners we are working hard to address the issue across the city. I hope that by highlighting the issue over the coming days we can encourage everyone – men and women – to take a stand against violence in all its forms.”
For more information on White Ribbon Day visit